Two Ryder-Cheshire Foundations provide services in New Zealand.
The Foundation in Palmerston North runs a centre for people with physical disabilities. The Foundation in Hamilton specialises in building accessible housing.
A Place for Living
The Ryder-Cheshire Foundation in Palmerston North was established in 1979 to support people with a physical disability.
Their mission statement is: “A place to live; a home of one’s own.”
The Foundation runs a centre situated in a well-developed residential area, with easy access to suburban shops, bus route and other amenities.
There are nine specially designed houses at the centre for residents with a variety of physical disabilities. These disabilities include congenital and those resulting from traumatic brain injury.
The centre provides care across the spectrum. Some are highly dependent. Others live in a flatting situation with minimal daily staff assistance. The centre also offers short stay accommodation.
Whether physically disabled from birth, by accident or illness, adults coming under the care of the Foundation are provided with accommodation, care and support to develop skills, gain confidence and a sufficient level of independence to reach their full potential and enjoy a quality of life.
Donations and grants help with the costs of running the centre.
For more information, visit
Enhancing Lives
Ryder-Cheshire Foundation Waikato builds wheelchair accessible homes for people living with a disability.
Their mission statement is: “To enhance lives by providing accessible, affordable, quality housing for people with disabilities.”
They have built seven wheel-chair friendly, accessible homes for the needs of people living with disabilities. One of the homes is a full-time care facility. The others are managed as independent flatting households.
Situated in Hamilton, the homes allow residents to achieve qualities of independence, care, companionship and accessibility within the local community.
Residents in each of the shared flatting houses can choose their own support service to provide assistance if required. The full-time managed care facility for residents with higher needs is run by NZ Care.
Those living in the homes come from hospital, rehabilitation facilities, from living with aging parents, or simply from unsuitable premises that have restricted their quality of life.
Donations and grants help the Foundation build more accessible housing and to keep the room rents affordable.
For more information, visit